Are There Foods You Shouldn’t Cook in a Cast-Iron Skillet? I Asked a Culinary Instructor

The cast iron kitchen utensils have a special place in the hearts of home cooks and professional chefs. These difficult stoves and stoves offer more vigorous sizzle and seizure with meat cuts, burgers and lots of potatoes than other materials. The magic that occurs when beef Or chicken Hot cast iron strike is not lost for those who are apt, but are there foods that you should never cook with cast iron kitchen utensils?

Home advice

We turned to a professional to get answers. Eric Rowse, senior leadership of the culinary arts of the Los Angeles campus of the Institut of Culinary Education gave us the harsh truth about the melting and what you should and should not fall on its smoking surface.

According to Rowse, there is “nothing that needs To be avoided when cooking in cast iron, although it depends on the age and quality of the seasoning. “That said, certain foods react poorly to melting if it is not done properly, leading to kitchen utensils or compromised foods with a metallic taste.

Tomatoes, vinegar sauces, eggs and fish are a few foods that require special attention during cooking with cast iron. If you are new in the cast iron kitchen or you do not know its shades, you could consider kitchen utensils in stainless or non -stick steel for the following elements.

Tomatoes, wine -based sauces and other acidic foods

Meatballs in the cast iron pan

It is normal to cook acidic foods such as tomatoes and vinegar in your cast iron stove, but let them stand for long periods can be stored.

Images of Istetiana / Getty

Refrigerators speaking to iPhones, our experts are there to help make the world a little less complicated.

“Very acidic foods, such as tomatoes and tomatoes, vinegar-based foods such as adobo or braised dishes such as wine with wine can be problematic on raw iron, bad or under-assured,” explains Rowse.

“The cooking of these neglected cast iron foods can cause metallic taste in food. If the pan is well seasoned and cleaned after each use, it is not a problem.”

Be safe, bake the bacon In your stove after to provide additional seasoning protection. As a bonus, you will have bacon at h

and. What you don’t want to do is leaving acidic foods just seated in the pan that can eat out the seasoning.

What about eggs and fish?


A properly seasoned cast iron pan can cook eggs without problem.

Getty images

Eggs are a delicate food to hide without having a sticky mess to manage. Although the cast iron kitchen utensils are not as non -stick as the chemically coated pots, it is always a good candidate to blur or fry the basic food in the morning.

“I love to cook eggs in cast iron,” said Rowse. “I have a small 5 inch in which I cook the eggs on the dish. The cast iron is capable of obtaining a super hot control and a precise control is more difficult because it keeps heat longer, and it is therefore more difficult to make small adjustments to the temperature.”

Likewise, many varieties of fish are scary and tend to stick to surfaces if they are not managed properly. If the patina of your cast iron is not properly smoothed or too hot when the fish breaks down, you can end up scratching half of your stubtan from the bottom of the pan.

How to avoid a cast iron cast iron cooking riddle

cast iron pan during

The correct seasoning of your cast iron will prevent food such as fish and eggs from sticking.

Tyler Lizenby / Cnet

First and foremost, you will want Properly So you can cook even the most sticky foods without worry.

When cooking acidic foods in the melting, avoid slow recoil or simmering on the stove for long periods. When the food has finished cooking, removing and washing your cast iron pan immediately with hot water, a drop of dish soap and a Kitchen salt watering For additional food stuck.

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