The Best Dishes Eater’s Seattle Editor Ate in February

At Eater Seattle, we have to eat a lot outside – he’s in the name of the website, next to “Seattle”. Sometimes this research appears in the articles and cards we publish, but sometimes we eat something SO Good that we have to talk to everyone. This racing monthly column is a place where we can share particularly good dishes with you.

Tivoli pork pepper pie

White pizza with pork, chemichurri and white sauce.

The pork chili tart in Tivoli.
Harry Cheadle

This work curses me to travel constantly in the city by eating new things. It’s a curse! Should I never be released from these channels, I would still eat a lot in Tivoli because it is A. near my home and B. Perhaps the best pizza to take the city? The menu is short but has special rotary offers, which currently means this bad boy surmounted by pork, a salsa verde which is a little spicy and a little sweet, and the coriander cream, which smooths everything. And the crust is, as always, perfect: a little charred, easily foldable and a little tart.

Banchan Bento in Bopbox

A Take -Kitchen Kitchen Tree.

Banchan Bento in Bopbox.
Harry Cheadle

If you need a lunch in Georgetown, this is a good problem to have – there is a wide range of options, including the Banh Mi to Vo Ca Phe, the vegan sandwiches of Georgetown Liquor Company and everything in Bopbox. This Banchan tray is ideal for indecision and it is a garden of hidden delights. The Chou Chou Tempura here was light and even slightly sweet, a miracle of modern science. For my protein, I obtained the spicy braised tofu, which had a great firm texture and was not Also Spicy for my non -Korean taste buds.

The chopped cheese of the Joe’z bay and coffee market

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The chopped cheese of Joe’z.
Harry Cheadle

I lived in New York for 13 years and I never care about chopped cheese. Is it like a philly cheese, but a little spicy? Wow what a novelty culinary! Each micro -region on the east coast has a “specialized” sandwich and none of them are interesting – do not embark on the number of cities that act as if they have invented the sandwich with roast beef.

So I’m not who asks me if this sandwich at Joe’z is “authentic”. But it’s tasty. The seasoning on the beef gives him a kick, the pickles which are made here offer a crunch and a pleasant breeze which is not too sweet or sour, and the lettuce will let you tell you that it is healthy. I had the half-Sandwich and it was a solid meal but I could have easily eaten a whole. Better still, this small market sells toothbrushes, the perfect complement to a chopped cheese.

Bistrot’s steak in Eldr

A pile of medium-rare steak fitted with a charred onion and green.

Bistrot’s steak in Eldr.
Harry Cheadle

The restaurateur Brian Clevenger recently resumed the old Samara space in Sunset Park and transformed it into an Eldr, a theatrical dining room which is concentrated around a wooden grill and a oven on the back. Sitting at the bar gives you the impression of warm up in fire, and if you are there, you should order the steak. First of all, the crust is very well blackened without sacrificing juicy awareness inside. But what puts this dish on the edge for me is the accessories: a pearl onion which is quite soft and tender to be dessert, and Spaetzle, a variety of German noodles that I am not very familiar but which are an excellent way to impregnate meat juices.

Blood sausage brioche in Off Alley

A brioche bun.

The brioche of the blood sausage in Off Alley.
Harry Cheadle

I’m a bit a fool here because I don’t think you can really get it? It was in a Shindig launched by the Independent Seattle Hospitality Alliance, a collection of independent restaurants of which I wrote last year. During this event, the owner of the alley, Evan Leichtling, was on site with these brioches filled with hot blood sausages and glazed duck fat (I think). The result was a warming, rich and Umami bomb, which was only the rainy day. Blood sausage is rare in the United States and it’s stupid. The end.

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