Eau Claire County, Wisconsin (press release from the County Light Water) – The meal program on wheels in the County Light Water serves a hot meal, made from a meal at zero at around 450 seniors at home every day during the week. A year of meals on wheels, by participant, is the same cost as a day in the hospital. 11% of Wisconsin’s elders find it difficult to be hunger, deciding between medicines, housing or food. We would like to offer members of the community and companies in the region the opportunity to help by sponsoring a route, or a few
meals, for the elderly confined to the County Clear. March for Meals is a campaign for meals on wheels and our participants. For a unique contribution, you will sponsor meals for our local participants on wheels at different levels of support. Contributions can be made by credit card by calling the ADRC at 715-839-4886, by visiting www.eauclaireadrc.org and click on the “Make a difference” button or send a check to ADRC ATTN: March for meals at 721 Oxford AV. Suite 1130, clear Water Wi 54703.Copyright 2025 WEAU. All rights reserved.